

Alpha is an opportunity to explore life and the Christian faith, in a friendly, open and informal environment. It is for this reason that a growing number of parishes are offering Alpha in the diocese.

Everyone has questions about life, faith, and what it might mean to know God. Alpha provides an opportunity to explore these questions and discover what the Christian faith might have to offer in response. Alpha is your opportunity to ask questions and share your point of view. Whether you’re an atheist, an agnostic or a lifelong believer—everyone is welcome.

Alpha is not so much a course, but an experience!  Gathering once a week for a meal over a ten-week period, each Alpha brings together people from every walk of life.

No matter where Alpha takes place, the format is the same. We eat together, we listen to a talk and then we gather in small groups for discussion.

Over 29 million people across the globe have done Alpha.

“Alpha was a watershed moment in my life—a journey from absolute emptiness in my relationship with God, to making him the primary focus of my life.”

Snapshot of Alpha in our diocese

Alpha contact


Mr Peter Gilmore

Coordinator of Evangelisation and Parish Renewal
local_phone (02) 4222 2464

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