Charitable Works Fund

Bearers of Christ’s Love—it’s who we are!

As a diocese, every week we nurture, support, educate, minister to, and advocate for nearly 50,000 Catholics and non-Catholics in our diocese, and another 40,000 Australia wide—employing nearly 3,400 people. Find out how we do this in our mid-season report.

Together we share a vision to meet the spiritual, educational, social and pastoral needs of all who choose to call our diocese their home. Fulfilling this vision continually requires careful stewardship of resources. We give thanks to all who provide the practical support necessary to help us fulfill our vision, and to all who will continue to provide this vital support in the future.

Donate now

  • 9
    local government areas
  • 12,500
    Mass attendees each weekend in over 55 churches in 20 languages
  • 50+
    active and retired clergy in the diocese along with 6 seminarians
  • 40,000+
    Mass for You at Home viewers each week on national free-to-air and pay TV
  • 26,000
    students educated in 46 Catholic schools
  • 30
    Radio stations nationwide airing our Journey Catholic Radio and Podcast show
  • 2,000+
    volunteers in one of the most extensive volunteer networks in the region
  • 15+
    chaplains working alongside our people
  • 3,400
    employees in the diocese. One of the biggest employers in the region
  • 17,500+
    people assisted by CatholicCare each year
  • 350
    volunteer catechists teaching SRE to 7,500 students in government schools

How can you help?

Your tax-deductible* donation to the Charitable Works Fund enables our talented and specialised teams to continue to offer care, support, assistance and education to anyone in the Illawarra, South Coast, Shoalhaven, Macarthur, and Southern Highlands regions, regardless of age, gender, or religious belief.

Donate now

* Donations of $2 or more made to the Charitable Works Fund are tax-deductible.

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