Communities, associations and ecclesial movements

There is a great variety of communities, associations and ecclesial movements present in the diocese. With distinct charisms, missions and expressions of faith, all strive to follow God, faithful to their particular calling.

This is often expressed in communal prayer, shared life and works of mercy within the community at large. These communities enrich the life of the Church in the diocese.

Communities, associations and ecclesial movements


Australian Catholic Cursillo Movement

Cursillo is a movement that focuses on helping each person to discover themselves, their relationship with Christ and with others.
local_phone (02) 4655 9382

Catholic Dutch Migration Association

The Catholic Dutch Migrant Association provides support to members of the Dutch community in need through visits to the sick and elderly and persons in prison.
local_phone (02) 4283 4969

Catholic Women’s League

Dedicated to building a culture of life with a particular focus on women and children, promoting and supporting the formation of women, upholding the dignity of women through education. Liaises with other faith communities on social justice and ethical issues and support vocations to the priesthood, religious life and single life as well as to Christian marriage and family.
local_phone 0417 421 916

Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community

A body of families, singles and priests who have come together under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to live a common life of prayer, sharing and service. It is a member of the Catholic Fraternity of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships. Leaders: Matthew Walker and Nihal D’Silva

Diocesan Parents and Friends Forum

Assists in the development of meaningful and authentic partnerships between parents, school communities and parishes—identifying common goals based on shared values.
local_phone (02) 4253 0800

Good Samaritan Oblates

Lay women and men sharing in the life and commitments of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan by meeting monthly to study the rule of St Benedict, the Psalms and the Scriptures and to pray for the needs of the Diocese.
local_phone (02) 4228 9680

Lay Carmelites

Lay men and women who form an integral part of the Carmelite family and try to live out the Carmelite way of life in the ordinary circumstances of family and social life. Communities meet at least once a month for prayer and formation in Carmelite Spirituality.
local_phone (02) 4232 2735

Legion of Mary

A spiritual society that participates in home visitation, reciting the rosary before funerals, bringing Holy Communion to the sick, and supporting parish life through many other activities. Members participate in weekly meetings of prayer, reports and discussion.
local_phone (02) 4285 3565
desktop_mac Visit website

Neocatechumenal Way

A "Post Baptismal Catechumenate" within the Catholic Church dedicated to Christian formation. It is not a movement or an association, but an instrument in parishes at the service of the bishop as a form of Christian initiation and of ongoing education in faith. Contact: Mario Berry.
local_phone 0407 257 165

Order of the Secular Franciscans—Illawarra and Macarthur

Founded by St Francis of Assisi in the early 13th century. Members are lay men and women who gather regularly in fraternity professing to live the Gospel in the manner of St Francis of Assisi by following the Rule of Life.
local_phone 0411 800 526

Secular Order of Discalced Carmelites—Macarthur

Lay men and women (and diocesan clergy) who share the same charism as the Discalced Carmelite Friars and Sisters—the same traditions, the same call to holiness and the same apostolic mission—not in a monastic community but in the world.
local_phone (02) 8795 3450

The Knights of the Southern Cross

The Order of the Knights of the Southern Cross is a national organisation of Catholic laymen guided by the virtues of prudence, faith, justice, fortitude and temperance in all its charitable works. It strives to serve the wider community and support those in need.
local_phone (02) 4229 3478