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Walk For Life: Every Life is a Gift

Date: Saturday 21 September, 2024
Time: 2pm—4pm
Venue: Hyde Park
Speaker: LoveSydney
Topic: Walk for Life
Cost: Free

Every year over 80,000 young Australians have their lives ended by abortion. In every state and territory, abortion can be accessed up until birth for any reason.

Walk for Life is a peaceful gathering to witness to the dignity of every human life from the moment of conception until natural death. It coincides with the anniversary of the Abortion Law Reform Act 2019 (NSW). This Act legalised abortion up until birth for any reason. We must speak out for the unborn and demand that our laws protect life from the moment of conception.

The Walk for Life is a family-friendly event and Love Sydney asks that everyone wears a white shirt, and leaves any megaphones and personal signs at home. Official signs will be provided on the day. Further information and free tickets are available via Love Sydney’s website: https://www.lovesydney.org.au/

Let’s stand together to witness to the sacredness of life and be the generation that ends abortion in Australia!

Book Now
Hyde Park (near Archibald Memorial Fountain)
Contact Person
Isabelle Carolan
Street Address
110 Elizabeth St, Sydney NSW 2000

Love Sydney is committed to defending life from conception to natural death. 

We are active in defending the lives of unborn babies who cannot speak for themselves. We peacefully lobby against state and federal legislation that seeks to destroy life.