A beautiful display of diocesan unity at the Chrism Mass
April 5, 2023
Last night’s Chrism Mass at St Francis Xavier Cathedral in Wollongong was a beautiful display of diocesan unity between the bishop, clergy, and laity.
Bishop Brian blessed the oils that will be used in the sacraments throughout the year, and the clergy received them with reverence and gratitude. The renewal of priestly promises by the clergy was a solemn moment that showed their dedication and commitment to their vocation. The congregation joined them in prayer as they renewed their vows to serve God and his people with humility, love, and fidelity.
Throughout the Mass there was a powerful sense of community and joy as the people of God came together to celebrate the sacredness of our faith. The liturgy was inspiring with uplifting music and a touching homily delivered by Bishop Brian. Addressing his priests, Bishop Brian said: “I call on you to be fascinated by the message of Jesus, as we were when we first came to priesthood, it was this challenge that made our hearts restless for this message of Jesus, that called us from among the people to be with them and serve them so that we, too, may be nourished by them. It is through our relationship with Jesus that makes this possible in all of us. Our lived experience should echo the words of Jesus in tonight’s Gospel, ‘Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing,’ encouraging others to listen and follow the voice of the Good Shepherd. My brothers, you are, with the communities you serve, the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. I pray the Lord will continue to bless every one of you in your loving service to God’s people. For you I truly give thanks.”
As we journey through Holy Week, let us continue to be inspired by the unity and love that was on display at the Chrism Mass, and let us continue to support and uplift one another on our shared path with our Lord Jesus Christ who—through his passion, death and resurrection that we memorialise this Holy Week—has won us our salvation.
Photos by Daniel Hopper.
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